Conducted ecosystem-building landscape research to document how identity proofing and authentication are used in initial public benefits applications across the country
Research and content creation for a series of short explainers on digital identity in public benefits as part of a broader research agenda for the Digital Benefits Network
Supervised and trained Georgetown graduate and undergraduate students conducting qualitative research to document innovative approaches to public benefits delivery
Designed and conducted ethnographic study on noise pollution and management in Mexico City. Awarded a Fulbright-Hays dissertation research grant for project, as well as a creative grant from the Sachs Arts Innovation Program. Used sound recording to creatively document and present research findings and produced five, short Spanish-language audio stories in close collaboration with Mexico City residents. Read more on my project website and in the 11th volume of PLAT, an independent architectural journal published at Rice University.
Research for The Food Trust’s Healthy Food Financing Initiative on trends in healthy food access media coverage and Biden-era food policy
Presented original research at conferences and seminars including: Seminario: Investigación en Música, Sonido, y Producción de Audio, Universidad del Claustro de Sor Juana, (2022), Center for Latin American and Latinx Studies, UPenn (2021), Mexican Research Studies Collective (2021), Penn Urban Studies Program (2021), Un/Sounding the Relational City (NYU) (2020), and the Society for Ethnomusicology (2018)
Academic literature reviews and media research for Dr. Jairo Moreno’s book “Sounding Latin Music: Hearing the Americas” (University of Chicago Press, 2023)
Facilitation + Speaking + Event Planning
Worked with small team at the Digital Benefits Network to plan and run our first ever in-person convening, BenCon, bringing together 120+ practitioners working to improve benefits delivery
Panelist at National Governor’s Association, Health and Human Services Policy Summit 2023, for a conversation on “The Role of Innovative Technology in Health and Human Services”
Presented at the American Public Human Services Association 2023 Summit
Panelist for Information Technology and Innovation Panel, “How Digital IDs Can Transform Government Services”
Moderated panel conversation at the 2023 Better Identity Coalition Policy Forum on “Tackling Bias and Equity Concerns in Identity Proofing”
Moderated virtual conversation “Digital Identity: What’s Next in Public Benefits”, with speakers including Professor Michele Gilman and representatives from the Arizona Department of Economic Security
Event planning and content development for the Penn Graduate Student Center, with a focus on writing support for students working on thesis projects
Led artist interview with Grammy-award winning musician Lila Downs at Penn Live Arts.
Convened and moderated bilingual (Spanish and English) conversation on politics and audio documentary work in Mexico, in partnership with the Center for Experimental Ethnography
Workshop development and facilitation for Penn’s Teaching Assistant Training program (2020 and 2021). In 2021, I served as the lead TA trainer, helping to prepare graduate student trainers from the humanities and social sciences.
Planned and facilitated a year-long series of teaching workshops for faculty and students as a fellow with Penn’s Center for Teaching and Learning (CTL)
Taught two semesters of the undergraduate survey course “Introduction to World Music” at the University of Pennsylvania. Designed and delivered interactive lessons emphasizing race, colonialism, and gender
Program management, career counseling, and event planning as the Program Coordinator for the University of Chicago Public Interest Program, a hiring and placement fellowship to place UChicago graduates in non-profit and government roles in Chicago, DC, and New York City
Community organizing, service design, and volunteer training for Mutual Aid Philly, a pandemic-response project, between May 2020-February 2021
Workshop and meeting facilitation, training development, and strategic planning for graduate student campus groups, including GET-UP, Penn’s graduate student union